Ready to get started?

John Henry Foster, St. Louis’ team of compressed air experts will learn your overall goals, and together we’ll develop a clear strategy to get you there.

Compressed Air Theory vs Reality

Supporting production in today’s ever-changing world is challenging for large or small operations. Compressed air adds another layer to that challenge due to the complexity of most air systems.

Theory… especially that of efficient compressed air performance, can make you feel better – the salesperson and their marketing material assures you clean, dry air in the header, at nice steady 100psig, and production will always be happy. Reality says, “not so fast – you live in reality… and reality tends to be more challenging.”

At John Henry Foster, St. Louis, understand that theory doesn’t produce sustainable performance and results. That’s why, we live ONLY in reality.

Realities of compressed air efficiency

  • Production is king – period.
  • You might not need 100psig.
  • You might be paying significantly more trying to achieve theory when you need something different.
  • Theory says all your equipment is operating per the nameplate and engineering data sheets. Reality is, most of us don’t know for sure.
  • Theory likes a compressor room full of one brand of equipment that is designed to play nice with each other. The reality is, your compressor room probably doesn’t look like that.
  • Theory says, universal system controls take care of everything for you – reality says, it’s not that easy.
  • System monitoring does not mean system control – they are very different.
  • Theory is safe and comfortable – reality is not.
  • Reality is not as much difficult as it is effortful.

So how do you most effectively deal with reality?

Here are some questions to ask your current or potential vendors:

  • Can you performance test my equipment?
  • Do you have the ability to provide open protocol controls?
  • Can you adapt your controls to interface with my reality?
  • Which platforms do your controls support?
  • Does your software allow for my system to expand or contract as my reality changes?
  • Does your system allow me to monitor, control or both?
  • If you really want to test them ask them this…Does your system use rate-of-change algorithms to make decisions?
  • Is the proposed solution suitable for all aspects of my environment (moisture, temperature, electrical classification, etc.)?

Your vendor’s goal should align with your goal - getting the most data from every component and best control while maximizing electrical savings. All that while satisfying production – who is absolutely, still king.

Process Makes Perfect

John Henry Foster’s Compressed Air and Controls experts offer you the peace-of-mind that comes with unmatched compressed air experience, a results-guaranteed process, and a dedication to sustaining energy savings.

With an extensive resume of air assessments and project implementations-conducted in all environments-across the US and internationally, our team will help you identify efficiency opportunities, in any application- regardless of system complexity.

Map of the United States

Over 100 Years of experience involving compressed air

  • Package design and laboratory testing
  • In-field performing system analysis
  • Conducted world-wide, compressed air system audits
  • Chemical, petroleum, and corn refining
  • Food processing
  • Steel
  • PET
  • Cement
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Etc... industries
  • System sizes exceeding 80,000hp

Specialize in system analysis, design, and performance

Provide solutions to meet customer goals that include eliminating energy waste and improving productivity

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